Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Learning Session: Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom

Developing Lifelong Digital Learners: Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom by Estelamarie 'Tats' Vibar-Papa

Education is changing. Education is dynamic. Technology in learning is not new; we just have not embraced it yet.
It is amazing how technology has changed much of the way people do things. It has simplified complex tasks, made information conveniently available, and connected people in various ways. In education, it has become evident that technology has become an alternative tool in the teaching and learning process.

   Used correctly, it will allow us to better serve the diverse learning styles of our students and educate them for a wider range of intelligence. Everyone has a learning style that results to a meaningful learning but these cannot all be addressed in a traditional learning environment. Now, with the help of new technologies and its flexibility, we can design learning environments wherein learners can manage their learning and construct their own meaning.